Dark armpit . Who has dark underarms but is not ready to go laser? Come this way! Today we are going to share a recipe for a mask to cure dark und Dark armpiterarms in a natural way. It’s a simple recipe. by myself at home Is there a recipe that is cool? After using it, the armpits become whiter. Let’s go take a note of the Dark armpit recipe!
1. Tamarind + honey
Use fresh tamarind, separate pulp, only water and meat. Then mix with honey to thicken. Then take the mask under the armpit and leave it on for about 5 minutes. You will feel a little itchy because tamarind contains AHA acid that helps to exfoliate the skin. Dark spots, dark underarms will fade, making them whiter. As for honey, it helps to nourish and moisturize the skin without irritation from the exfoliation of the skin.
2. Lemon + Yogurt
In addition, lemons have weak acids. that helps exfoliate skin cells as well By using 1-2 lemons mixed with 1 cup of yogurt, apply it all over the armpits and leave it for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. And don’t forget to apply moisturizer to keep it moist and not irritating with it. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week, this will make your armpits whiter.
3. Turmeric + Milk
Another formula that helps keep armpits smooth and soft without chicken skin blisters. is to use turmeric to make turmeric powder Mix it with milk until thickened. Don’t let it be too bright Then apply and leave the armpit mask for 10-15 minutes. Turmeric will help make the skin of the armpit white and smooth. The skin is smooth, not blistered.